Please use GoodSearch for your internet searches and select a charity (such as Dominican Sisters of Houston). Thank you.

awesome ice cubes

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I love this idea!

via bookofjoe

checking in

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We went to see Avatar again. IMAX. 3D.  Still cool.

We just came back from a potluck at the church.  Father was giving an educational lecture/presentation on the topic of "the Mass."  It was very good.  It'd be wonderful if can just go to be now, but alas, that is not to be.

This week is another hectic week at work.  We will be having all-day meeting for the whole week.  Oh boy.

easy way to help

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cory pledges to donate $300 to the Haiti relief effort for every 100,000 views of this video on YouTube.  (originally seen on MSNBC)

update:  the author has pulled the video ... lame

You can also help at any time by visiting the Hunger Site and click daily.

the passing of time

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm in a very vibrant parish with lots of diversity in ages and ethnicity.  One thing about being a member of a parish such as this for a while is that I get to see young families grow and the kids grow up.  Now I don't connect with these folks, and that's my doing no doubt.  But I do see them almost every week and can recognize some of them.  It's really just amazing to me to see those little tykes grow up to be adults.  Really, it's just amazing.  I think I'm starting to understand the phrase, "I'm not getting old, they are."

meager posts

I hope everyone's year is kicking off well.

I think posting on this blog will be sparse (even more so than it's been) for a while. We are now required to work 10 hour days.  Plus I like my 1-hour lunch.  Plus the 1 hour commute.  So that comes out to 12 hours minimum to the job.  We've some major stuff coming up, so I've actually been putting in more hours than that.  It's okay considering that the job pays the bills (at least so far).  Several years back, there was a time when I was looking for a second job ... that would have been even more hours working plus a second commute and another set of job conditions to deal with.  So considering that, I'm not complaining.

New Year's Resolution

Saturday, January 02, 2010

I don't normally have a New Year's Resolution. But my spiritual director said "Aim for nothing, get nothing."


I resolve to finish reading at least ONE book this year.

I think I have a learning disability: put a book in my hands and I fall asleep.  Printed-texta-hyper-somnia. The fix? Read in short blurbs; stop before the zzz's invade. Seriously, I read much of the bible that way: only a few lines each night.

Avatar 3D IMAX

It's Great!  Go see it.  Something along the lines of "Lord of the Rings."  I was pumped on "Avatar," but on further thought, LOTR is better.  Still "Avatar" is a definite must see on its own merits.

My eyes did get a little bleary. That many hours of 3D requires some getting used to.