Please use GoodSearch for your internet searches and select a charity (such as Dominican Sisters of Houston). Thank you.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'm no cook. But I've encountered worse cooking than mine. Spaghetti is pretty simple. So simple that even I can do it.

I just use a jar of spaghetti sauce of choice.
If I like the sauce thinner, I add a can of seasoned tomato sauce.
I also add a can of mushrooms,
one chopped fresh tomato,
and one chopped fresh bell pepper.
Throw in any additional seasoning ... bay leaves, basil ... whatever you prefer.
If you want meat in your sauce, brown 1 pound of ground beef (I usually add Mrs. Dash to the ground beef), drain the fat and add the meat to your sauce.
Simmer the sauce until the fresh tomatoes are cooked.
Voila. Sauce is done.

As for the pasta, just follow the instructions on the package. I'm not thrilled about pasta that's all mushy (overcooked, chances are someone is not following the directions). After draining the pasta, I like to coat mine with margerine. Add margerine to the hot pasta; as the margerine melts, toss the pasta to coat. I'm sure there are healthier ways to keep pasta from clumping (olive oil, maybe?). I'm ok with margerine.

Catechism in e-book format

Sunday, July 08, 2012

in search of...

Friday, July 06, 2012

I am looking for plastic cards with inspirational scriptural verses with some sort of artistic background (i.e. it's not just text). They might be known as pocket cards or wallet cards. It doesn't have to be that small, but somewhere around that size. I need them plastic like gift cards--not plastic-laminated paper. If you, my very few and loyal readers, can point me to a possible resource for these I would be most appreciative.  Thank you.

I stumbled upon these in my search (but still not finding what I seek)...

I have to admit, Scripture Memory Key Tags are a brilliant idea:

I like these too, but I prefer a Catholic bible:

8/11/2013:  stumbled across these; a good option


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

I am blessed to live in this U.S. of A. where, for the most part, my only concern is money (job). I live in relative peace and tranquility. Life here is not perfect, of course. (It's not heaven.)

God bless America. May we learn to live in peace with each other, respect each other's rights and boundaries, help one another as we are able, and try to be "slow to anger." Thank you God for the many blessings You have bestowed on me. May others be blessed as well.

what happens after death?

Sunday, July 01, 2012