Please use GoodSearch for your internet searches and select a charity (such as Dominican Sisters of Houston). Thank you.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

For all you religious communities out there, please know that the time you spend hosting inquirers is not wasted. Though that chapter in my life is practically closed due my continuing negative financial income, please know that the visits to religious communities continue to benefit me. I do look back on those experiences, try recall how I felt and in so doing, hope to center myself. It helps to calm me and put me in a more spiritual state of mind. Mass may be our greatest prayer, but it sure is a busy prayer. The religious communities are "houses of prayer" and I can really sense that in the rhythm of life in the communities.

So thanks. And keep on trucking.

I recommend Laudate app

I recommend the Laudate app. It's available for both Android and iPhone.

Somebody's review here:

I don't use all of its features. Mainly I use the daily readings and the Bible. I can read the Bible in bed at night without having to turn off the lights when I'm ready to call it quits (because the lights are already off). No need to carry around the pocket New Testament; I have the whole New American Bible there in my pocket. Sad to say, though, Soduku gets more attention from me. Still, I open the Bible sometimes.

It also puts some of the Vatican documents at your fingertips. Also some prayers, some in Latin if you're into that. Anyhow, check it out.