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cardboard deer head trophy

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

One of my co-workers has a cardboard deer head trophy, medium and small sizes. It is very good looking.

So I found it online. There are other trophy head designs available such as moose, rhino, giraffe, elephant, and more; some in different colors. The store also has these handsome rhinos:

little speaker

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Have you heard of the 808 CANZ portable speaker? It can be had for around $30. Check it out at Amazon. I'm not saying it's the best thing around, just that for the price, this little baby is satisfactory for toting around. You might find it at your local Sam's Club, Walmart, or Office Depot.
I also ran across reviews of the Logitech Ultimate Ears (UE) Mini Boom speaker. Seems like a good product. Pricing around $100. I'm just not willing to shell out that much, but if you are, check out the reviews for the Mini Boom.