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another lightweight scooter

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I like the simplistic design and the use of stainless steel. It looks good as far as simple scooters go. It appears to be well-sized for adults. I think that it's quite suitable for going through indoor conventions, though there isn't any place for collecting stuff. You know, the freebies you get at conventions.

I can see that is has almost no storage capacity (no place to put your stuff). Also, the "Y" configuration does not fold. The video shows it to be a bit awkward because it is an adult-sized frame. As with almost all compact scooters, I suspect there will be an "ouch" when going over bumps.

Merry Christmas

I know, we are still in Advent. But Christmas is so close!

My job has been good to me. But it has kept me very busy. As I try to catch up with life next week, I may not have the time to post, so I'm posting now to wish everyone a most wonderful Christmas season. May you have more hope. May you have something to look forward to. May your loved ones be close by, and safe. And most of all, may you grow ever closer to God.

Merry Christmas.