Please use GoodSearch for your internet searches and select a charity (such as Dominican Sisters of Houston). Thank you.

nativity scene?

Friday, November 27, 2015

A baby was found at a church manger scene. According to the news story, the church is Holy Child Jesus of the Diocese of Brooklyn. So for real, there is a manger scene at this parish, before Thanksgiving, and before the first Sunday of Advent?

leaking at the hose bib?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Several years ago, I purchased a new water hose with brass connectors. I was quite disappointed when I connected it to my hose bib in the backyard and it sprayed and leaked all over the place when I turned on the water. I just thought something was wrong with it. I had an old hose and it too leaked when I hooked it up. I figured it was just old. 

I have a third water hose which I use almost all of the time. At this point I should explain that the water hose always gets disconnected, drained, rolled up and put away after each use. This third one that I use almost exclusively is lighter than the others and probably the shortest of them all. It is my go-to hose since it was easier to handle.

I finally was convinced that something was amiss when I hooked up my go-to hose to the backyard hose bib and it too leaked and sprayed at the connection. I didn't have any such problems when hooked up to the front yard hose bibs. As you may have guessed, I don't use the backyard hose bib very often. One winter I did see water dripping from that hose bib. Apparently if it isn't turned off quite tight, it will drip. I don't make that mistake any more.

Putting two and two together, I figured out what was causing the leak. As water dripped from the hose bib at various times over the years, it left a mineral deposit. Over time the build-up is sufficient to cause the threads to not seal correctly. This is particularly obvious in that it was difficult to thread the hose connection onto the hose bib. It would feel rough and wouldn't thread on smoothly. The build up of mineral deposit can be seen upon visual inspection.

I used a brush and a bathroom cleaner intended to remove hard water deposits and scrubbed the hose bib threads. It took a few minutes and quite a bit of brushing to clear off the deposit. Afterwards, it was easy to thread on the hose and best of all, the connection no longer leaked. Easy fix. It only took me a few years to figure it out. :)

Happy hosing to every one.

I like it but it doesn't like me

Saturday, July 25, 2015

I like the Hunt's Gel Snacks. I like the smooth, firm texture and wonderful flavor. But they give me a tummy ache. It took a while before I figured it out. I would snack on them in the late afternoon. Then by dinner time they would ruin my dinner experience. I don't know what's in it that's not agreeing with me. I just have to ban it from my eating repertoire. Jell-O is fine with me. And so is Dole Fruit in Gel. Just not this stuff.

I believe ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I believe ALL good comes from God; there is no other source of goodness.

an interview ...

Friday, May 15, 2015

President of Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) comments on the Vatican inquiry and oversight experience:
I didn't read it. Despite not having done much of anything today, I am tired. My mind is tired. But I post the link here for those who may be interested.

Odd that I would stumble upon it because I haven't followed any Catholic news in the past several years; I don't even read the parish bulletin. It started with someone wondering aloud what is the Pope's stance on transgender. So I said I would check the internet to see what I could find. And in my wanderings, I came across the above article. So there you have it.

Matthew 6:19-21

Saturday, May 09, 2015

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.
20 But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

( from The New American Bible, Revised Edition) my favorites

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Happy Easter to all! May this be a most blessed Easter Season for you. Let us rejoice in the risen Lord, in victory, hope, and salvation.

cute whale at the MOMAstore

Sunday, February 22, 2015

cleaning stainless steel dog bowls

just a public service announcement:
We have stainless steel dog bowls for our dogs. I don't know what grade of stainless steel. We use them for feeding. Good bowls; they should last forever. I have discovered that powder Comet cleanser works great for cleaning the bowls when dish detergent just isn't enough to cut through the slobber.