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Happy Easter 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter to all. The victory has been won. We have only to enter into the victory.

May all have hope and more of it. With Jesus, there is always hope!

Pax Christi.

moving into Holy Week

Saturday, March 23, 2013

For Lent, I had given up sweets as much as I was able. What gave me the most difficulty is the avoidance of sweet drinks. I'm not a fan of drinking water. I've been resorting to substituting: tea that I can drink if sweetened with honey, and Metamucil. Yes, Metamucil. I'll take the orange flavored fiber drink just to have something other than water.

At work, we have a variety of drinks available to us at no cost: numerous choices on coffee, teas, and hot chocolate. Believe you me: I will be CELEBRATING Easter.

On another note, in anticipation of the person I'm sponsoring becoming baptized and joining the Catholic church, I have acquired a lovely crucifix for a gift.
It really is a stunning piece in real life.

Unlike my previous venture to acquire a crucifix, the same store now had a better selection of them. This one grabbed my eye very quickly, though I did browse the selection before settling on this one. There were some other quite desirable ones, but their prices were beyond my budget.

A crucifix is a good gift for a newly baptized Catholic, since they are unlikely to have one already.

If the store gets another one of these crucifixes in stock, I would like to get one for myself.

May everyone have a most Holy Week.


thanks be to God for a Pope

Friday, March 15, 2013

Habamus Papam!

Our Lord has given us a Pope.

Waiting for the papal election results is something akin to waiting for a baby to be born back in the old days, when you don't know what to expect.

This post is delayed because I've been pretty tired and couldn't log in at 2am Thursday morning. My groggy brain couldn't figure out why I couldn't access my blog.

Anyhow, God bless our Pope.

I like St. Francis of Assissi too. I like St. Anthony of Padua more, though. Yes, I am rambling. I'm tired.

Somehow I am reminded of the movie The Shoes of the Fisherman. Maybe I'll watch it again soon.