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Sunday, August 26, 2007

These are the flowers that were centerpieces for the tables at the party, except at the head table, which had a huge arrangement of these rainbow roses. The other six tables had small vases with 3 or 4 of these roses. We wanted them short so that people can talk across the table. These here were just kinda consolidated so we could take them home.

We had a "fishbowl" vase and I then put as many of these as possible into the vase to get:

This was an extra bouquet; we bought more than we needed for the little centerpieces.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty! What was the occasion of the party? Can't remember if you said or not. I know you were getting a bit stressed out and ready for it to be over with, so hope you're getting in some peace and relaxation--if not just now, then over this upcoming long weekend?!