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the weekend

Sunday, August 10, 2008

We attended a friend's ceremony of final vows (religious life stuff for those not familiar).
We attended a musical production at a small college.
We went to the cemetery and visited graves of loved ones.

in the not too distant past:
We saw the movies Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Hancock, & Batman the Dark Knight IMAX


marine's words said...

Hi, my name is marina and I really like your into "excused me God you see I am getting old" thats how I feel I want the Lord to use me in the womens minstry however I am still waiting and I feel like Lord I am getting old hear and tried I have a 7 year old I need to keep up with and doing the things I love womens bible study , and praying and seeking Gods will in my life :),marina

seeking_something said...

Hi Marina! God Bless and may you find God's providence and humor in your daughter.