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Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a week.  The workers finished the work on windows and doors on Monday.  Now the doors are waiting to be painted and stained.

Monday night we attended bible study.

Tuesday Gumby went into the hospital.  It was just precautionary.  They did tests on Wednesday.  While Gumby was in the hospital, I was the runner to get any needed stuff.  This evening (Thursday) I picked Gumby up from the hospital.  With all that running around, I haven't been able to get the house back in order.

Our oak tree in the back is dropping leaves like crazy.  I guess the tree is kinda "molting."  New growth is coming in as the leaves are dropping.  I suppose I have a tree worth of leaves in the backyard.  The two trees in the front had green buds Tuesday morning and today those buds have grown into baby leaves.

Work is crazy.  We were pretty much told today that if it takes living at our workplace to meet the schedule, then that's what we have to do.  Missing the schedule is not an option.  As usual, I'm behind schedule.  Let the floggings begin.

I pray for the miracle of not being irate at work, to remember that it's JUST a J-O-B, and to somehow be Christ for others.