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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Took my first shot at the CCNA exam today. Didn't pass. Needed 849 score and I got 737. Good thing the company paid for it. It'd hurt much worse if the cost of the test came out of my pocket.

back to the drawing board ...


Anonymous said...

What's a CCNA exam, Seeking? And don't worry - you'll get 'em next time.

seeking_something said...

CCNA = Cisco Certified Network Associate
In the Information Technology (IT) world, there are many certificates to be had. This is jut one of them at the beginner level. I'm just trying to break into the IT world. The cost of the test is $125. Had I gone to a tech school for just that one course, It'd be $1,795 at this particular place. It would include books and the exam. Instead I bought a book for $50+tax.

Anonymous said...

Geez... and ouch. You will retry though, right? You were so close!