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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hello there, regular readers. I still get a few visitors daily, much to my surprise. (It's a pleasant surprise.) At the rate I'm going, you can probably stop by once every two weeks and catch up on anything on my blog. I do feel a little bad that I don't have anything interesting for you. But on the other hand, it means that you don't have to spend much time here.

My work shift has changed and now I'm not able to attend daily mass. Nor am I able to visit my spiritual director. Hopefully I won't make a habit of that.

It's not been pretty on the home front. As you well know, if you are ready for a change and the other folks around you are not, the result is usually much tension and maybe some chaos.

Not sure yet where I'm going with my job. It currently consumes my life. But due to inertia, change doesn't happen until I get a a huge whack on the head that says it's time to change directions. Wish I could tell you about my job and share the misery, but that's rather privy info. I believe today's terminology would be "to suck it up" which is more swaggering than "to grin and bear it."

I do have a personal rule: no whining. If you're not going to do anything about it, then shut up already. So pretty soon you won't hear too much more about the job from hell. ( And yes, whining is a major pet peeve of mine. Venting is ok - that's a one-time event. But whining knows no end. )

I really should take my butt to bed, but perhaps one game of websudoku won't hurt.


Anonymous said...

Still at Sudoku, eh? :) I'm back to Internet Euchre for now. Hang in there Seeking. Prayers in abundance.

Matthew said...

You said "My work shift has changed and now I'm not able to attend daily mass. Nor am I able to visit my spiritual director. Hopefully I won't make a habit of that."

I'm sorry to hear that. My schedule just got changed so that I can go to daily Mass and daily Eucharistic adoration. It's wonderful.

I also hope your vocation is going well. I remember you were discerning one, and I pray that you will follow God's will for your life.

God Bless