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Saturday, May 26, 2007

I went bicycling this morning. Trying to get back into my Saturday morning rides. As I neared my starting point, the clouds looked ominous. A little while longer and the rain is splattering on my windshield. I see the group riders passing. True, in the direction they were heading, they'll be out of the rain in a little while. I stopped to get my Powerade then parked the car and waited for the rain to subside (it was coming down pretty good at this point). Twenty minutes later it was still raining, but not as heavy. So I hopped on my bike anyways, I didn't drive out here for nothing.

I got soaked pretty good but about ten minutes later, I was out of the rain. The good news is that I finished my usual 13-mile route this time and didn't feel too exhausted. Last week I didn't even quite make 10 miles. I haven't reached my usual average speed of 13mph (uh, that's slow compared to the 21mph of those on road bikes). Maybe next week, I'll extend the distance a bit more.

It was only when I got off the bike that I noticed a black collection of dirt on top of my soaked cotton socks. Apparently the rain ran down my legs and took the dirt with it and the top of my socks stopped the dirt there. It was a sight to see. I have a photo but I cannot upload as of yet, waiting on my new PC to come back. The top of my bicycle pack had a layer of dirt from the rain. Oh, I was pretty gritty myself. For the most part, the bike was dry by the time the ride ended. However, when I tilted it during a lift to put it back in the garage, water came dripping off from under the bike pack.

Another very exciting thing from the ride this morning: R2D2 mailbox! The end of my route cuts through a quiet neighborhood. And there, on a corner, I spotted an R2D2 mailbox. You go now, USPS! I gotta tell everybody when I get back to work on Tuesday (it's near the job).

....yup, drove by there today (5/29) and that mailbox is definitely there