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on the vocations front...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Woke up with a little tummy ache. It made me a little late to meet with Sr. X of the Dominicans. I took a lunch break but still didn't eat. Intended to grab a snack at the end of my shift, but as I was walking to my car, I realized that I hadn't snacked. Yeah I'm on the edge with my new job. Fortunately I'm not alone; there are other newbies. Funny how us humans can't really take being "alone;" we find comfort in just being able to share--no matter how little the sharing.

Well, I didn't get laughed out of the convent at my revelation to Sr. X that I wanted to join them. I don't think they were
surprised. Sr. X suggested that I do some Dominican reading when I have the time, and of course, I'd have to get rid of my debt before entering.

Dear God, you've brought me this far. Please continue to work your miracles ... I need them on my job, in my volunteer stuff, just in my life in general, but definitely it will take a miracle to get me into the convent.

Tonto in the mean time is going a little banannas. "So you'll give me a few years to forget about you?" Look, I'm not going to be cloistered and the Dominicans have been very open. "I won't be able to afford xxx." Sigh...Dear God, please don't make it my problem.


Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...


Be careful what you pray/wish for though ... I thought it would take me 3+ years to get out of debt so I could start novitiate. It took less than a year. Freaky!

Lisa said...

Try the Laboure Foundation. They provide grants to assist people seeking to enter religious life in paying off debts especially student loans.

And in theory, you don't necessarily have to have the debt finished before entering, only before reception into the novitiate usually.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Seeking - you have my prayers as always!

Steph Youstra said...

Hey ... Susan stole my line!

Best wishes, and know that I'm around if you need anything (besides debt repayment, anyway!).

Steph Youstra said...

Hey ... Susan stole my line!

Best wishes, and know that I'm around if you need anything (besides debt repayment, anyway!).