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PSA and blurb

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy Palm Sunday to all!


Just a friendly reminder that blessed items (like palms from Palm Sunday) are never to be disposed of by putting them in the trash. Proper means of disposal are incinerating or burying. There's a very good chance that religious items that are inherited from relatives are blessed, so better to handle them as such.

This ends the PSA. Thank you.

My pastor mentioned this morning that we may at times hear the name of Jesus used in a non-prayerful manner or otherwise irreverently. He suggested that we quietly counter that with "Blessed be the name of Jesus."


I've been very fatigued. New job. New commute. Study training materials, study for certification test, help Tonto, do everything at home that Tonto can't ... just tired. I was wondering how I was going to handle Holy Week. In the past, I'd always attended the entire Triduum plus the Chrism mass. This year, I've not even given much thought to Lent and have missed every reconciliation service, fish Friday, and soup Monday.

If I attend the Holy Thursday and Good Friday services, I'd be leaving Tonto to fend for self practically the whole day, so I'll have to see how Tonto wants to handle it. Chrism mass is probably out of the question (then I'll REALLY be gone the WHOLE day without stopping by the house because it'd make more sense to leave work and go straight there). Else I've decided to drop the study for certification since Holy Week only comes once a year and I ought not to let anything stand in the way of properly "celebrating" the week. Will have to see how it goes.
Wishing all a most Blessed Holy Week !!!