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on the mend

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tonto's medical procedure went well. However, there were some very rough moments these past five days. Codeine was never an option. The side effects of morphine became unbearable and Tonto eventually refused it. The body seems to have gotten used to Demerol from the previous go-around. Currently a combination of Tylenol and oxycodone seems to be working. But the day that the morphine was discontinued, the right medication and right dosage was not yet dialed in and the pain went unchecked until the doc came in the next morning and upped the dosage.

However, Tonto is progressing far better this time than last time. Don't know if Tonto will be moved to another unit or discharged home with continuing home care. Perhaps we'll know Monday. In the mean time, I have to go back to work since I didn't get fired. I'll head back to the hospital tonight, spend the night and leave for work in the morning from there. Tonto is leery of this particular much so that Tonto didn't sleep a wink last night. I'll spend the night and plan to sleep sitting up. If I lie down, I'm out like a light.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there!