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some goodness

Sunday, January 21, 2007

On the battlefront: some people would die (figuratively speaking) to have the job I have, and yet I am still struggling to be appreciative of my job. If nothing else, it helps me to identify with those who struggle with gratitude, who struggle to realize the blessings they've been given ... it is one thing to "understand cognitively" and quite another to "take to heart."

Some good things...
An old friend and former co-worker came in from New York and some of us got together over lunch last week. My original workgroup scattered over the years but we haven't totally lost contact with each other. Four of us got together for lunch and I popped in late (meetings all day) and visited a little. We hadn't seen each other in over a year; it was nice.

Saturday I was able to attend mass with the Dominicans. As one of the Sisters described it: typically it's "not the most life-giving mass," but I enjoy being with them. As it turned out, one of my favorite Dominicans gave the homily. And yes, it was good. It was an impromptu thing and I wasn't in the best of shape (i.e. I, uh, probably could've use a shower), so I hope my ragged appearance didn't challenge them too much.

Sunday I did my parish volunteer thing then ran off to buy dinner. I delivered two to some folks and the other two I took home. Then off I went to see Father Mitch Pacwa, another favorite. He's in town from Alabama. I couldn't do the fundraising dinner the day before, but this talk is free. You know, we do hear voices in our heads. They're voices of people we love. It might be your mom or dad, for example. Father Mitch's voice is one of those for me, as is my pastor's. It didn't matter what the subject was, whatever Father Mitch is talking about, I wanted to go see him. So I did. It was good to see some familiar faces too, faces from "Catholic circles" like from my own parish, from daily mass (it's at another parish), some of the Sisters from across town, a choir director I hadn't seen in a while, and a priest I hadn't seen since the last similar activity.

Tonto was at evening mass elsewhere while I attended the talk. Tonto came back all on fire; it was a wonderful mass with much good news and great motivation. Now Tonto has finished eating and is on edge over the football game between Indiana and New England. :)

This evening is one of quiet joy.


Anonymous said...

Amen and I hear ya about the first paragraph.