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it's been an odd week

Friday, December 21, 2007

To my handful of faithful readers, I hope that you have enjoyed the lack of posts on this blog as it means that you can skip right over it onto another blog. The holidays are so busy, it helps to not have to stop and read.

Guppy has been at the hospital looking after someone, henceforth referred to as "Skip." Guppy had taken Skip to the hospital Sunday night, stayed all night in a wing that had no heating on a night where the temperature outside dipped to freezing. The next morning Guppy was enjoying some friendly sparring with Skip. After lunch Guppy suggested that Skip get some rest so they settled down. Minutes later Skip mumbled something, reached for Guppy then passed out cold--as in gone, no vital signs. Guppy went banannas, yelled for help, ran for a doctor who was at the time on the phone. Guppy slammed the phone and dragged the doc. Long story short, Skip was rushed to ICU and was rescuscitated. I was at work but left after Guppy called for me to come. Skip is okay now.

Skip was moved out of ICU on Wednesday, and moved again today to another hospital for acute care. Anyhow, Guppy has spent many hours at the hospital with little sleep or poor sleep, and hardly any food, only what can be bought from the vending machine. I was there Monday night and Wednesday evening. Guppy is not home at the moment, but hopes to be home tonight. Guppy hates the hospital room for Skip, saying that our cats have better amenities. Skip has not had dinner since the transport folks came at the same time as dinner. This other hospital brought soup and crackers for Skip after Guppy informed them of the situation. In the meantime, the fire alarm has gone off and the hospital is in lockdown; the air has been turned off. Also, the admitting papers are not yet done. This is the stuff that happens when you're poor and old. But I suppose we ought to be grateful that hospital care is even accessible.

Oh, and yes, Guppy is definitely a squeaky wheel. Do not think that things go unsaid. The broken heating was worked on the next morning. The non-working TV in ICU waiting has been replaced. Guppy has visited the CEO of the hospital. The machine that they had to beat to make work will not be used on Skip. But this new hospital is a different story, it's another battle. They did the move late in the evening (right at dinner time) after saying that it would be mid-morn, and then again that it would be mid-afternoon. Getting to the hospital late, on a holiday weekend, who is there to handle complaints? Nobobdy. And it will be nobody for the next several days. And that's probably how they planned it.

We do our Christmas cards together. This means that the cards are not done at all. It'd be a miracle if they get out by Christmas.

I know that Guppy wants me to get some PJ's for myself. I went to Target since they had some on sale, and also Kohl's since I still have a Kohl's card with some money on it. I have yet to find anything at Kohl's that I'd want to buy. I did see a PJ set I liked but the sizes start at "large." I did not see anything I wanted at Target. Flannel PJ's are nice, but here in Texas we have more Summer than Winter. So as is typical of my solo trips for clothes shopping, I came home with nothing. Really, I sleep just fine in t-shirt and shorts.