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lesson learned

Monday, December 24, 2007

I learned something new: vegetable oil CAN go bad. And here is a suggestion for everyone else: when a dish (like cornbread dressing) does not come out right for Christmas dinner, don't turn to the cook and say, "Can we have [that dish] for New Year's?"

Our vegetable oil is very old. So old, in fact, that it no longer has its label on the bottle. I suspect that it's more than ten years old. All I used it for was to oil the pan. It made the cornbread yucky. I suspected that the final product would be yucky as well, but went ahead and added the finely diced bell peppers, celery, and onions to the mix and hoped for a miracle. I didn't have time to make another cornbread. Alas, no miracle on the cornbread dressing. Out to trash it goes.

Maybe I'll attempt it again for New Year's, but I have to get over this one first.

As for the oil, it will go to trash at the next trash pick up.

Else dinner was fine with ham, mustard greens, and sweet potato casserole.

We did go to a mass at my parish earlier. I was working it so I didn't take communion. Except for one hiccup, I think I did well and had fun. Oh thank you so much, Holy Spirit! I did get to see my pastor and we gave each other a big Christmas hug.

Now Gumby and I are off to the cathedral for midnight mass.