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fun mail

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Oy, mail from friends is always fun. I have received a surprise package from Natty! In her travels she has taken me with her by keeping me in mind. See what she has collected for me (sorry the photo isn't better).

The "...the story of the The Old Cathedral" booklet has a copyright date of 1949 (and an old smell to accompany it). The church bulletin bears the more recent date of June 24, 2007. The back cover of the booklet has a photo of the altar. It can be compared to the postcard to see how it has changed over time. Booklet, bulletin (and offering envelope), and post card are from St. Louis, Missouri. The brochures are from Illinois.

It will be some time before I get to really looking at these things.



Anonymous said...

That was a funky smelling booklet, wasn't it? Somehow I knew you'd just LOVE it! ;)

Glad you got the package... after it had ridden around in my car for 2 months since I've been home from my road trip! Who knows, perhaps we'll meet and be classmates when we are both novices in St. Louis! :)

seeking_something said...

classmates at CDN would be cool