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changed orders

Monday, October 24, 2005

a Passionist vocation story

This is not unusual. I've been told of two sisters who changed orders (one became Benedictine, the other, Dominican). I know of two women who entered the convent but did not stay (one got married, the other didn't). I know of a fella who entered the seminary but left and is now married. Great guy. I know of two women who were once married, but now they're Benedictines. These folks are in "my world" and not some far off story.

This is not a commentary one way or the other. It's just an acknowledgement that "it is what it is."


Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I know of at least two members of our community who transferred from other communities.

Also, one of the Sisters who professed vows last Friday night had been in the community, left for 30 years, and just came back.

Overall life is a journey, and discernment is life long.

I think it takes a lot of courage to recognize that something you thought was where the Spirit was leading you is maybe not where you should be.

Of course to those of us in discernment this can be nerve wracking. Am I sure this is the community for me? How do I know?

That's why I'm really glad it's a long formation process with many opportunities for discernment on all sides.

sister mary alternative said...

thanks for your comment on my blog. i esp. like the part about participating in salvation. i'm definitely hearing a lot of what i need to hear since i've turned this over to god.
when i wake up i say the serenity prayer. then i say the prayer of jabez. then i do a combo 3rd step/11th step prayer that i heard in an al-anon meeting once: god, i turn my will and my life over to your care, praying only for knowledge of your will for me, and the power to carry that out.
with love in christ,
jen the hen

Sixtina87 said...

hey r u in contact with the pasionists nuns??? Who is the VD??? Is it Sr. john mary??? if so tell her I said HI!!!!