We were out of town this past weekend. It was partly to act as chauffer and partly just for leisure. Once there, the time was mostly spent resting. What exploring was done was accidental. I didn't get up on Saturday until 9:30. We didn't get out of the hotel room until around 3 p.m. The targeted eateries were all closed, hence the accidental exploration of the city while foraging for food. Then some obligatory people visits, back to the hotel, then a late night outing to go locate and drive around a landmark: a relatively new basketball stadium.
I had picked a parish for Sunday and we located it as part of our outings. Except that a double-check of my notes on Sunday morn revealed that mass was at 11 and not 12:15 as I had thought. I had picked out several parishes and had gotten the mass times mixed up. We weren't going to make 11 a.m. mass. So no problem, there were others on my list! (My travel partner, though, was most unhappy with my mistake.) We made it to noon mass at option#2 with no problems and my travel partner was most delighted with the parish.
Then leaving there to pick up our passenger, I instructed a wrong turn (I do maps and travel directions, the other party drives) and once again we were exploring a new part of the city. Unfortunately my driver was unappreciative of the scenic route, arguing instead that we should've u-turned to get back on track. Not that I didn't have the correct turn--I just didn't communicate it correctly. Yeah, make a left turn but not here; left after you've gone under the freeway. The road curves, how would I have known that the lane will end up being left turn only at THIS intersection? But soon enough at the end of the scenic route we were back on familiar terrain. In fact, it brought us to the best-priced gas stop.
We all made it back safe and sound. Thanks be to God.