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plywood is cut!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I finally cut my five sheets of plywood for five windows. It took all afternoon (minus the 20 minutes or so for the bottle cap tripod mentioned below). The circular saw went very well. I had installed a 24-teeth (I think) blade in it and the cuts were smooth. Some of the pieces I had to cut twice and the saw had no problems trimming off as little as 1/4 inch. I had taped on a small strip of pink paper onto the saw guide so that I could see it better and it worked well. The edge of the pink paper served as the guide marker. I don't know if the boards now work with Plylox, but I do know they fit in the window wells or whatever you call them.

The sawing was done on the piece of concrete we have for a patio; 4ft x 8ft is big to handle and I need the space. The area between the concrete and the lawn had clearance for the blade. Anyway, I mention this to explain that I was on my left knee for the sawing. I just noticed after my shower that my knee is bruised. No wonder it was starting to hurt towards the end.

I'm so out of shape. I was so tired afterwards I didn't go get the other five sheets of plywood we still need to buy--before prices go up. After all, I would have to unload those heavy unwieldy boards to the garage. I think my body is complaining from this afternoon's activities. Just measuring and cutting is not a big deal, but lugging the sheets from the garage to the back yard took effort. Ditto with lugging the pieces back to the garage. Some of the pieces were only a little smaller than the original sheet (yeah, big windows), and now I have more pieces to lug because I want to save all the parts (except for the little strips I had to cut off in adjustments). My body hurts, I'm hungry, and the house still needs cleaning. But I'm glad I was able to get something done. Oh, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!