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Holy Week summary

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter to all!

We attended Chrism mass at one of my favorite parishes. Then Holy Thursday at our parish. Then Good Friday downtown. Then Easter vigil back at our parish.

I spent much of Saturday at church involved in some of the prep activities. Then I had minor duties during the vigil. The weather was cold and rainy, so the outside fire ceremonies were limited to attendance by those in procession. The light ceremony for the first part of the liturgy is not as dramatic as usual, but that's okay. Then for the second half we process to the church with our re-lit candles and as usual, that's a magical moment as we fill the darkened church with the collection of candles. Our pastor loves this.

We had 14 baptisms and 6 confirmations. Our pastor loves this too. I think it went well.

I returned for one of the Sunday masses for my second volunteer gig. The church was packed. (wonderful!) It stopped raining and the sun came out a few times, though it was still cold. Except for one glitch, I think the second gig went well also. I hope everyone was able to catch at least SOME of the excitement, joy, and "magic" of Easter.

I haven't spent much time in reflection. I don't think I did well this Lent, but God is patient. I remember watching my dog and was rather amused at his inability to resist temptation. He knew it wasn't something we'd be pleased with, but it was the natural dog thing to do, and he was rather sheepish afterwards. I gave him the obligatory chastisment, but was more amused than angry. So too, I bet Jesus is more amused than angry for my Lenten infractions.