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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Monday eve we went to a free concert by a local chamber orchestra. It was at a downtown venue. We had never been there and this was a good opportunity to go. It was a cozy place.

Tonight we went to a free piano concert. Piano is my favorite instrument. Maybe I'll make it to heaven, and in heaven, I'd be given the ability to play the piano. :) The pianist is very good. Too bad he had to play on a Young Chang. The favorite piece from the night is Beethoven's Sonata in D minor, Opus 32, No. 2. I had no idea it goes that fast. Only a grand piano action can support such speeds. Third movement is the best, second movement is a sleeper for me, and first movement has some great sections. The rest of the music didn't really make an impression on me. As for his playing, I don't know enough to even comment on it.