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God is good

Monday, March 06, 2006

Wonderful weekend. Not a discernment weekend, but the Sisters generously housed and fed us. I got a chance to run around the convent some, shared several meals, did a little office work with them, and "fixed" a TV remote control for them. They were extremely accomodating and helped us "above and beyond" in so many ways. Always a joy to be around these Sisters.

We were totally exhausted when we got back after 10 last night. Even today, we were practically sleep walking. I had to take a nap in the late afternoon.

The question for me: What is my spirituality? How do I experience God?

At the time, I didn't have a clue. But as I think about it, a few ideas are bubbling. From the start (that is, even while I was in RCIA), I'd always view that everything good comes from God. I see something good, I thank God. It made perfect sense to me that when Peter and John healed the beggar at "the Beautiful Gate," the beggar then praised God (Acts 3) and not Peter and John. I'd been enthralled that God is "rich in kindness and slow to anger." I'm overwhelmed by the goodness of God; even when things look bleak, I know that God's goodness will overcome. When I don't feel so great about my day, I try to take notice of all the "good" that I've received during my day. So my spirituality is that God is GOOD, ALL GOOD. It's not a spirituality of the eucharist or of penance or of prayer or such. Not that those things are missing, but that they're not in my awareness as much.


Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I am forever fixing the remote control for the Sisters!

Your comment about your Spirituality made me think about the Sisters that taught me in High School ... the Religious of Jesus and Mary. They're charism is founded on the knowledge that God is good and is "to make Jesus & Mary known and loved). My old principal is their provincial!

seeking_something said...

heh heh ... unfortunately, "fixing" meant opening it up and that did a little "breaking" too, but hopefully not of any consequence.

Thanks for heads-up; will keep in mind. At the moment I seem to be consumed with the Dominicans. At mass this morning (Monday) with all the things running around my sleepy head, I apparently asked the question whether the Dominicans is the community Jesus had prepared for me. (Odd that I think "prepared"?) Somewhere smack dab in the middle of the darkness of my closed eyes I saw the word "yes" faintly. As such, I must look into the Dominicans more.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

gotta be careful what you ask the big guy!!!