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normalcy, please

Friday, March 31, 2006

Looking forward to a normal life. One week+ in the hospital isn't exactly fun. Just helping out Gumby. Nurses didn't know what to think of me, and I didn't care to explain or socialize. No, I'm not some overprotective love interest. I'm a just sticking around because Gumby so requests. When Gumby said to me this morning, "I'm sick of you." My natural reply was, "Great, can I go home now?" So I have some hours of freedom here, doing some of Gumby's laundry, running a few errands, maybe clean up the house a bit, and certainly a few rounds of web sudoku.

New job on Monday. I still have to apply to some places this week so that I can get unemployment benefits for the week.

Mass and communion has been weird, never on any regular schedule. Haven't read a lick of spiritual stuff. So out of it.

Gumby will be discharged on Tuesday 4/4, so ends the hospitalization saga. whew!

My friend with the lung tumors is up and about. Treatment at this time does not include chemo or radiation. Thanks be to God.


Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back and to know that Gumby is doing so much better. (You know Patient is doing better when Patient becomes grumpy with Caregiver.)