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day after

Friday, November 25, 2005

Some great sales out there, for those with money to spend. Radio Shack had the Canon A520 digital camera with free 256 SD card for $199 (***drool***). They also had a Plantronics bluetooth headset for $9.99 after rebates. I heard that the headsets were gone after the first hour or so ... something about folks coming in, buying in bulk to re-sell on E-bay. We bought a cordless phone with answering machine because we can't hardly make out the messages on our machine--they're so distorted. That's the extent of our shopping because we abhor the post-Thanksgiving shopping mob.

Christmas lights outside are done: three green shrub meshes, two red shrub meshes, one door wreath with light-up berries, one garland with lights spiraled around to frame the doorway, and a large plastic light-up Noel candle. One of the two long strings of lights for around the eaves has died, so I'm not having to put up lights along the eaves. We've agreed that with the purchase of the cordless phone, we'll not purchase Christmas lights this year and just go with what we have. Maybe I'll get crackin' on the inside decorations later. We're not putting up a tree because we simply don't have the space.


seeking_something said...

*sigh* okay, so I'm not being very Catholic in putting up the decorations just seems such a shame to not have it up for the entire month of December and then some