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taking a break

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Arrrgh! Job hunting can be de-moralizing. I'm somewhat of a mutt when it comes to qualifications; I don't quite fit. I doubt that I can get a job with "Look, I have a great track record. I don't quite have skills and experience you're looking for, but you can bet on this horse!" There's one company that might give me a chance, but do I really want to drive for an hour (in good traffic) either way every day? It turns out that I was making some pretty good money comparatively, though I believe it should have been more.

I'm taking a break. I just realized that I'm going through my own Advent: waiting to see what job the Lord will help me land.

We're supposed to go see "Rent" today, pending the health and wake-up time of my sidekick. Anyhow, I need to go hunt for food now--it being lunchtime and I've not had breakfast.