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Monday, November 07, 2005

I'll meet with my spiritual director tomorrow. I look forward to meeting with her, but I'm a little apprehensive about not having much to say. "Uh...I've not been journaling." "Yes, I still attend daily mass." "As far as daily prayer, I've gotten so that I stop by the church every morning on the way to work." "Oh, yeah, work ... that's ending. I'll have figure out the logistics of prayer time again."

I guess what I'm really afraid to hear is "Hey, you're too busy for this discernment process. You need to be more attentive. Go straighten out your life first and then we'll go from there."
I need to get to work super early in the morning. I need to get a jump start on this particular task. It'll be nothing short of a miracle if I get out of bed early enough to make it happen.

Wish me luck and the help of my guardian angel.


Julie D. said...

Good luck!!!

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

Hi Seeking Something,

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment. I hope that your job search will work out well. I'll pray for you! It sounds like you're doing great though as far as your spiritual life is concerned. Discernment can take place even in the midst of a busy life. It's just a matter of noticing what's going on inside during those events.

Lisa said...

I agree with Sister Lorraine. In my circles, the thought tends to be that God is speaking through the chaos so don't postpone listening until the chaos has passed. Seriously! Don't be afraid to consider the questions in the midst of what you're going through. It's not easy, but it may well be worth the trying!

seeking_something said...

Thank you all very much for the encouragement and well wishes. It was a nice meeting with my SD.