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the sevens

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Jumping on the bandwagon of the sevens seen at various times on various blogs:

7 things to do before I die
1. enter a convent if it's God's will

2. ride horses
3. play the piano
4. rollerblade/ice skate
5. read more spiritual books
6. travel
7. uh...I better get a job soon

7 things I cannot do
1. understand/remember trigonometry, calculus, linear equations, matrices

2. I probably can't pass the GRE at this point
3. go hungry without getting grumpy about it (after all, this is AMERICA!)
4. sleep when cold
5. sleep when in pain
6. watch TV all day without getting depressed for having done nothing
7. act

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. humor/wit

2. compassion
3. integrity
4. sincerity
5. self-assurance/respect
6. intelligence
7. wisdom

7 things I say most often
1. nothing, most of the time I'm silent

2. Hi
3. Thanks
4. Sorry
5. OK
6. Yes
7. No

(7 things I hope to say most often, at least in my head)
1. Our Father...

2. Glory be...
3. Hail Mary...
4. Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.
5. God help me.
6. Thank you Lord, for...
7. Please, Lord ... but thy will be done

7 celebrity crushes (in no particular order)
1. Sean Connery (what a man)

2. Tom Hanks (such a wholesome fellow)
3. John Malkovich (what a personality)
4. Pope John Paul II
5. Fr. Benedict Groeschel
6. Fr. Mitch Pacwa
7. Fr. John Corapi
okay, well, I might not actually have any crushes


seeking_something said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting, Megan. If X Inc. does much good, alot of charity, and many people benefit from X Inc., but X Inc. occasionally practices murder or canibalism, then I don't want X Inc. to exist. Not saying that Planned Parenthood does those things, but they support abortion and artificial birth control, which I as a Catholic believe is immoral and offends God.

What needs to be taught is not safe sex, but morality. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Dating should be an act of finding a marriage partner. Dating for sex is wrong.

Sex is not viewed as taboo or sick, or something to be ashamed of. Rather, sex is a sacred marital act and should be placed in proper context. On the flip side, neither should virginity be viewed as sick.