Please use GoodSearch for your internet searches and select a charity (such as Dominican Sisters of Houston). Thank you.


Friday, November 04, 2005 a meeting this morning it was announced that they've jobs at the Louisiana location. Um...yeah, where will we live? How far are we driving daily? Being of a rather adventurous nature, I would consider it, but then I'm trying to get out of the industry. Man, if I were working Louisiana, let it be construction!
Yesterday I reached over and took a swig of my drink sitting there by my computer. Then I looked at the time and it was 11:40 am. Oops. I just knocked myself out of the communion line with that swig. Note to self: finish drink before 11, or leave it out of reach so that I'd have to think about it. Actually, I did get in line and got a blessing.
Dear God, may my next job be filled with wonderful co-workers, be near a Catholic church, and oh yeah, may it pay handsomely.
Regarding health, please check out the glyconutrients (see the "health stuff" link on the sidebar). They're marketed as a food supplement, not a drug. They can't claim benefits, but users have some amazing testimonies...cancer being halted, improved health even from chronic illnesses, etc. I'm not pushing a sell (see, I'm not selling the stuff) ... I just think it's a good thing and I'd like for everyone to know about it; I'm just trying to share.
Cats. They're good for showing you what the "good life" looks like ... all sprawled out and comfy with not a care in the world.
Today is ??'s birthday. Fortunately I've not spent anything this morning, and have decided to forgo lunch and hope to be able to resist the call of the vending machines this afternoon so that I'd have enough $ to buy ?? some flowers for the occasion. I won't have enough for a card in addition, but ?? will be happy with flowers. If I did not suffer from the sin of sloth, I'd just make a card.