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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Some people think that there is something wrong with me because I'm still doing work despite having been given my layoff notice. Well, yeah they might be right, I can't argue that. I have some things I'd like to get done so that the ones left behind (some very good co-workers) are not left with the mess. I'm not busting my butt, no, but I'm not totally goofing off.

Many folks have offered to help me find a job. And yet I balk. I don't want just any ol' job. I don't want to just slap together some lame resume and distribute it. I want to do this job hunt right and if I jump into it right now, I'd be hunting blind. I didn't know how to do it right in the first place, and it was only by the grace of God that I got this one. I'll try to do it right this time (along with praying for God's blessings).