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good Christmas

Monday, December 26, 2005

Made it to mass this morning. I was tasked with bringing home breakfast after mass ... pause in typing as I go retrieve my cough drops from the cat ... I went to the planned food place but they were closed (good for them!). So I then went to Whataburger. I ordered breakfast taquitos with everything in them, plus a pancake platter to boot. Totals $11+ ... oops, what was I thinking, I don't have that much on me. Take the pancakes off. That brings it down to $8+ ... uh, I don't have that much on me either. "Take one of the taquitos off," I said. "How much do you have?" she asks. I told her what I had. She said "That's fine, I'll give you a free ride." She seemed to be the manager. She made my breakfast personally, and although several orders came out at the same time, she gave me mine first and offered salsa sauce to boot. So I got my breakfast despite being more than 60 cents short. (It turns out that she even gave me cheese on them, even though I didn't ask for it.)

I prayed for her on my drive home and thanked God for the kindness of others.