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kitchen help

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

This morning's volunteer adventures were in the kitchen, where I snuck up on the hard boiled eggs and peeled and chopped them up. They didn't even see me coming. I peeled boiled potatoes like a naval hand and valiantly fought with the last remnants of a bone-in ham. I did some slapping of mayo and mustard onto bread too. Yep, I tamed them suckers. It all came together as ham sandwiches (there was other ham besides my combatant) and potato salad and bean soup. I think they needed the help; there didn't seem to be many in the kitchen today. It's not where my talent lies, but hey, it's another pair of hands.


Matthew said...

Please let me know you see this message and any connections between your saint and you, but I wanted to tell you that you have a Saint for the Year.

Your saint is one of my favorites, St. Patrick