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pots n pans

Friday, December 16, 2005

Making a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, grits, and cinnamon toast involved:

1 large skillet for the bacon
1 small skillet for the eggs
1 pot with lid for the grits
1 pan for the toast (goes in the toaster oven)
1 spatula for the eggs
1 spatula for the grits
1 butter knife
1 spoon for putting sugar over the toast
1 measuring cup for the grits
1 fork, used during cooking and eating
1 plate

...just to have a breakfast that basically fits on one plate. Sometimes it is worthwhile to eat out, considering that I burnt the toast (only one of three was too burnt to eat), spent time cooking, and then spent time cleaning.


Smerdyakov said...

You're not seeking anything. You've already found it.