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just stuff

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Got there late. Grabbed a hefty-sized knife from the kitchen. Butchered some green styrofoam-like stuff and put them in flower vases. Somebody else crafty will poke various plant matter into them to make table center pieces. Butchering finished, we then proceeded to fold some simple origami "flowers." They needed over 100. I think I made ten. Wish I could make them all for them. Good luck to them.

I skipped their mass (the one with the dog), having been to one this morning already.

Heard today:
"Why should I go to mass daily? Especially since I sometimes leave feeling empty?" Various folks came up with a variety of good answers. I kept silent since the answer coming from me is not going to carry much weight due to "familiarity" with the one posing the question. Later with just the two of us, my opinionated self could hold silent no more and mentioned the eucharist, the priestly blessings, concept of "family meal," and God deserves worship and thanksgiving. But whatever the reasons, you have to make them your own. Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. (my favorite Jesuit) explains it beautifully as to "why should I go to mass?" I hope y'all get to hear it some time, when he talks about mom laboring over Sunday dinner and everyone coming to the table.


Anonymous said...

I happen to like the rather new theology from Schillebeeckx (anything in the last 100 years is "new" :)) on the personal encounter with Jesus, available to us only in the Sacraments. The sacraments and especially the Eucharist allow us to have a one-to-one, personal relationship with Jesus, grace made visible. That theology of encounter, I think, is rather beautiful.