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prayers needed

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I tried to post this earlier, but it may not have made it. Here it is again, re-typed.

A friend family suddenly lost the mother yesterday due to an anuerysm. Just weeks before Christmas, they had lost an uncle. And earlier in the year, they lost the grandfather and grieved much. Three family deaths in less than one year. At least they were natural deaths not accidents or due to some injustice, so no gaping wounds of that nature. I am most concerned for their little boy, he is not yet 11 years old. May God grant this family the graces they need to grow through this.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.


Lisa said...

Sending prayers! In 1977 my family experienced three significant deaths in three months. First, my three year old sister, then my maternal grandfather, and finally my paternal grandfather. Although my sister had been in the hospital for an extended period of time, we were optimistic that a miracle would happen and she'd come through. My maternal grandfather had advanced Parkinson's Disease so of the three his was the least surprising. My paternal grandfather was a total shock: he got up that morning had a cup of coffee and died at the kitchen table.

All I can say is that such an experience changes your worldview.
