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looking forward to weekend

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I'm really, really looking forward to a discernment weekend. We'll be heading out tomorrow afternoon right after lunch. It'll be some Sisters and maybe three of us seekers. I suppose I can play nice for the weekend.

Sister called me yesterday to finalize the arrangements. She'll be heading on first because of an all-day meeting there. I laughingly asked her if she was going ahead so that she could fluff our pillows for us. She said yes and that she might put a chocolate kiss on them too. I nearly choked. Amen, amen, I say to you, I am not worthy of anybody fluffing my pillows for me. She might have just been joking.

Sharing a room with a total stranger will be interesting. I'm somewhere between neat and sloppy.

Then there's the mass dress thing. Sister told me jeans and t-shirt will be just fine. However, the right thing to do is at least slacks and blouse. But not wishing to play one-upmanship, if the other seekers are going the jeans and t-shirt route, then I will as well. I suppose it'd be wierd if I ask them what they plan on wearing to mass.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the weekend.