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New Year meme

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Moneybags at A Catholic Life has tagged me for this meme -

Year End / New Year Meme

The Year End/New Year meme consists in conducting a brief evaluation of 2005 and then moving on to making plans for 2006. It involves answering ten simple questions.

What was your favorite movie in 2005?
dunno...did I see a movie?

What was your favorite book in 2005?
Considering that I only read one, it would have to be Padre Pio: Wonder Worker.

Slightly richer, Thinner or fatter?
Probably a little fatter.

What kept you sane this past year?
God, of course. And regular meet-ups with religious Sisters -- what a source of encouragement!

Which personal accomplishment in 2005 are you most pleased with?
Gee, did I accomplish anything? Got employer to donate a few $ to a favored charity.

What resolutions have you made for '06?
None, really. But I think I'll try to say the Hail Mary; Our Father; Holy, Holy...; and either the Memorare or Angelus every day.

Which bad habit are most motivated to break?
Not praying regularly.

What are you most looking forward to in 2006?
A new beginning, seeing where God leads me (sure hope I listen).

*sigh* too bashful to tag... so Barb and Brad have graciously taken the tag on themselves